WI Appalachian Clog Dancing!


Longnor WI Apalacian Clog Dancing


This month we were joined by Longnor’s own ceilidh band, Wicked Soles. Having watched them dancing to their infectious melodies at a couple of events in the village this summer, we decided that we would like to have a go ourselves and they kindly agreed to spend a couple of hours coaching us.

There was a good turnout despite icy weather and Wicked Soles gave us a lively workshop, keeping us on our toes all evening. None of us are dancers and I, for one, was acutely conscious of having two left feet for the first half hour at least. However, we rapidly improved and began to really enjoy ourselves as we got the hang of the various steps. Finally, pleasurably worn out and having conquered a few basic steps and put in a creditable performance, we dropped into our chairs again. Kate Wyatt gave the vote of thanks, and we sat down to a cup of tea before going home.

It will be of interest to our members to note that Wicked Soles hold an Appalachian dance practice night at Warslow Village Hall every Tuesday night at 7pm. There is half an hour’s teaching session for beginners and then the dancing continues 'til 9pm. Beginners are encouraged to join in as they become more confident and are welcome to stay and practice. Costs are £1 to go towards the cost of hiring the hall. Contact numbers for the dance workshop are: Anne Whitehill on 01298 83413 or Ann Goodwin 01298 83503.