Teddies are for Children!


Longnor Area
Women’s Institute

Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\Champhs\Documents\Longnor WI\theWI_StrapStack_CMYK.jpg     



Teddies for Tragedies

Knitting Workshop


If you can’t knit, we’ll teach you. If you can, come along and share your skills.

Please bring some double knitting wool (not white)

and a pair of size 10 (3¼ mm) knitting needles


7.00 pm Wednesday 18th January 2012
at Community Room Longnor Fire station

Admission £3.50 per person, W.I. members 50p


If you would like more information and are interested in joining us, please Contact:

President Melandra Smith: 07979 864586 Email melandrasmith@googlemail.com

Secretary Carolyn Chambers: 01298 83783 Email carolynchambers@btinternet.com